New Testament Survey II - Wendell Parr - Charis Bible College IN

Test Review/Class Recap

Lesson 1 - 1 & 2 Thessalonians (author Paul)

1 Thessalonians Theme: 2nd Coming of the Lord (strengthen the church at Thessalonica & believers everywhere in our faith and give assurance of Christ's return).

(Note: Paul deals with the truth of 2nd Coming more practical than doctrinal)

Specifically, Paul deals with the 2nd Coming of the Lord in relation to the believer's 1) encouragement, 2) comfort, 3) watchfulness, and 4) sanctification

One reason or occasion that Paul wrote to the Thessalonians was some in expectation of the Lord's soon return thought it not necessary to work; they had fallen into error.

2 Thessalonians Theme: Paul sets forth the 2nd Coming of the Lord in relation to the 1)persecuted believers, 2) unrepentant sinners, and 3) the apostate (or abandonment of the faith)church. (i.e. to clear up the confusion about the 2nd Coming of Christ).

In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Paul deals with the "Day of the Lord" to correct false teaching that the day of the Lord had already come. "The Day of the Lord" will be a period of great tribulation on the earth (reference Joel 1:15, 2:1, 3:14; and Isaiah 2:10-22).

Lesson 2 - 1 & 2 Timothy (author Paul)

1 Timothy was Paul's first pastoral epistle.

1 Timothy Theme: Paul's first pastoral epistle address to ministers for the purpose of instructing them in NT church government (it's a biblical blueprint for NT church to function). In summary, qualifications and duties of Christian minister and his relationship to the church, home and world.

2 Timothy Theme: Loyalty to the the Lord and His Truth (The Word) in view of present and future persecutions and apostasy. The Word of God will strengthen against upcoming persecutions.

Lesson 3 - Titus & Philemon (author Paul)

Titus Theme: 1) The organization of a true Church of Christ
and 2) an appeal to the church to be a true Church of Christ.

Occasion or purpose: To advise Titus, a Greek convert, in the organization of the church/churches on the island of Crete.

Key verse: Titus 3:9-10 Mark those that cause division and avoid them.

Philemon Theme: the power of gospel in the solution of social problems. Specifically, to convince Philemon to forgive his runaway slave Onesimus, and accept him as a brother in the faith.

Note Philemon was probably a wealth member of the Colossian church (hint: God doesn't mind you being wealthy, he had Paul write a whole letter to one.

Wendell's insight/revelation: This book shadows our salvation

1) Onesimus (slave) forsaking his master (sinners)
2) Paul (type of Christ) finding Onesimus
3) Paul interceding for him (Jesus makes intercession for us)
4) Paul identifies with him (Our Elder Brother, Jesus is a great high priest who can be touch because He was tempted at all points)
5) Paul offering to pay his debt (Jesus died on the cross for you and me).
6) Philemon receiving Onesimus on Paul's account (God receives us on the account of Jesus' sacrifice).
7) Onesimus, the slave's restoration to the master's Philemon's favor. We have been redeemed

Lesson 4 - Hebrews (author Paul, Barnabas, Luke, Clement, or Apollos)

The author of Hebrews had a great deal of Paul's influence, probably one of his disciples and is NOT important in the scope of eternity.

Hebrews Theme: 1) ???
and 2) Sets for the superiority of Jesus Christ's New Covenant over the Judaic shadows of the Old Covenant.

Occasion or purpose: To check the apostasy of Jewish Christians who tempted to return to Judaism. Modern day to check NT saints who want to return to the Old Testament law or NT grace covenant.

Key verse/word: Hebrews 10:1/better. The religion of Jesus Christ is superior to Judaism for it has a better covenant, High Priest, sacrifice, and tabernacle. (reference: Colossians 2:16-17)

Lesson 5 - James (author James, Jesus' half-brother, a leader in the Jerusalem church)

James Theme: practical Christianity: James insists that a believer's relationship with God should have an effective balance between deep faith and practical action. Neither stands alone.

Key verse: James 1:22 - Be ye doers of the word & not just hearers only deceiving yourselves.

Key verse: James 2:20 - Faith without works is dead!

Those who profess great confidence in God's grace, but do NOT recognize the necessity of corresponding purity of life.

Lesson 6 - 1st & 2nd Peter (author Peter)

1 Peter Theme: 1) sufficiency of divine grace, 2) to offer encouragement to suffering Crhristians who had been driven out of Jerusalem, scattered thoughout Asia minor and all believers everywhere. (encouragement)

Purpose or occasion: to encourage believers to hold fast during suffering and exhort them to holiness.

Holiness or grace/liberty: either truth taken to an extreme is hearsay!

2 Peter Theme: 1) to warn of the danger of false teacher/doctrine within the Church and for Christians to grow in their faith and experiential knowledge of Christ. In summary, experiential knowledge of Christ is a stronghold against a false teaching an an unholy life. (warning)

Lesson 7 - 1, 2, 3 John (author John) & Jude (author Jude, Jesus' half-brother)

1 John Theme: To reassure Christians in their faith through fellowship with the Father.

2 John Theme: To emphasize Christians the basics of following Christ, obeying the truth and avoiding fellowship with false teachers (or enemies of the truth).

Key verse: 2 John 10-11 warns a hospital Christian lady against entertaining false teachers. Christians must not entertain false teachers.

3 John Theme: To commend Gaius for his hospitality and encourage him in his Christian walk against the danger of domineering leadership.

Jude Theme: To remind the church of the need for constant vigilance (keep themselves spotless and contend (keep strong) their faith defending it against heresy.

Purpose or occasion: The book of Jude warns against apostates within the Church who denied the faith and still retained the membership.

Lesson 8 – Revelation (author John)

Revelation Theme: To reveal the full identity/glory of Christ and to give warning and hope to the believer for this age or dispensation.

Purpose or occasion: The book of Revelation is a prophecy (a prophetic word) for our dispensation (church age).


  • Paradise lost -> Paradise regained and restored
  • First city/community a failure -> City/community of the redeemed
  • Beginning of the curse -> No more curse
  • Marriage of the first Adam -> Marriage of the Second Adam (Jesus & His bride, the church)
  • First Tears -> Tears wiped away
  • Satan’s entrance -> Satan’s doom
  • Old creation -> New Creation
  • Communion broken -> Communion restored

Thanksgiving: A Lifestyle, Not Just a Holiday

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Read: Psalm 100

Note #1: The Goodness of Jesus: Praise is heart health insurance

Note #2: A biblical understanding of thanksgiving means intentionally cultivating a grateful heart!