
dis·sen·sion : DISAGREEMENT; especially : partisan and contentious quarreling
synonym see DISCORD - a : lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas) b : active quarreling or conflict resulting from discord among persons or factions : STRIFE

Proverbs 6:16-19 These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.

partisan: a firm adherent to a party , faction, cause, or person; especially : one exhibiting blind, prejudiced, and unreasoning allegiance synonym see FOLLOWER

If I am sowing discord among my Christian brothers, am I partisan to, a follower of the Devil?