What Love Really Means

Chapter 3 - “The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted” Notes

“…but I realize now that you can’t let raw sewage run through a marriage and expect to grow a garden.”

Remember the TV show “Love American Style”?  “…remember to love ‘1 Corinthians 13 style.’”

“If we could learn the tremendous power of the compliment, we would seldom again revert to complaint—“


Loving with Words of Kindness, Entreaty, and Acceptance.

1) speak with kindness – Proverbs 15:1

2) entreaty rather than command

3) express love with words of acceptance.  “Assure your mate that he/she can express ideas without your getting defensive and feeling attacked.”  Use present-tense words, Victor!  “Love does not keep a score of wrongs, does not dredge up the past with each new crisis.”


Your Turn -

3. Express love to your mate by word or action once each day for the next month.

4. Do not allow your mate’s reaction to stifle your love.